The First Place


Radiant colors swirl ahead and behind crystal-like boardwalks
That reflect nothing around rainbows and emerald seas.

Mild flashings under deep rumblings from between
Chambered rounds of faith lumbering in thunderous voices
Too loud to be heard.

The more I think I know the face of the One who made me
The more I know I think wrong things about most of what makes me
Think more of the things that wrongly made me
Think of them in the first place.

About ostrakinos

Pastoral sojourner in the world. Raising up four daughters. Citizen of earth. Resident of heaven. Taking ten looks at Christ.

Posted on March 5, 2009, in Meditation/Reflections and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Makes you think, doesn’t it? 😉

    May I copy this onto my blog to share with family and friends?


  2. Yes you absolutely may share it with whomever you’d like. I’m glad you enjoyed the thoughts and found them worthy of passing on 🙂

  3. Thanks! I am doing so tonight!

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